The Real kasthuri manjal

Most of the people doesn’t know the real kasthuri manjal

How to find out real kasthuri manjal and fake one

  1. Cream color Rhizomes

  2. Cream color Powder

  3. No Burning sensation while applying to the skin

4. Smell like a Kasthuri ( Musk) that is why the name start with Kasthuri


Most of the people are thinking the yellow color powder is the real kasthuri manjal but the fact is not that

The fake kasthuri Manjal
1. Yellow color Rhizomes.
2. Yellow color powder.
3. Less medicinal value.
4. Violet coloration over the leaves.
5. Burning sensation while apply to skin
6. No smell like kasthuri

Other well-known beauty recipes with Kasthuri Manjal: (real one )
1. During pregnancy, apply a paste of Kasturi Manjal to your lower belly every other day to avoid getting stretch marks.

2. Prepare a mix of Honey and Turmeric and apply this mask on your face to get glowing skin.

3. Prepare a paste with Kasturi Manjal and luke warm coconut oil and apply on face to reduce unwanted hair growth.

4. A mix of Kasthuri manjal and sandal wood powder can cure acne if applied regularly. Rub the mix on affected skin area and wash off after 30 minutes

5. Apply a mix of sugar cane juice and Kasthuri Manjal on your face and wash of after 20 minutes to treat wrinkles.

6. Another mix of buttermilk and Kasthuri manjal applied near our eyes can eliminate the wrinkles and marks.

Your skin will glow, if you are using one week

Billy Mathew


Mob: +919605283350

5 thoughts on “The Real kasthuri manjal

  1. The real story behind the legit one and the fake one revealed to me, when my younger brother told me that real kasturi manjal is not in yellow colour but its cream.I was wondered and asked how could u know about this and he said ,he got that information from his professor as his stream of study is botany.With that little knowledge or confusion ,I just googled and found many pics which are all about fake ones,and just one stood apart from all those and it was your post’s picture ,which is creamy in colour and I stop searching and reached here. I’m really grateful in knowing that u preserves the real one ,the real kasturi manjal. Thanks a lot for this real post.


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